Cons I am crashing ATM

SVS-con 2013 - Attended - Over
Genki-con 2013 - Might be attending - Held in august
Gakuen-con 2013 - Pretty sure I'm going - Held in november

lørdag den 3. november 2012


Late happy halloween guys!

So! My highschool are hosting a Halloween party this weekend, and of course I'm going to make a super awesome costume

At first I was thinking some kind of creepy doll, because of my pink hair!.. 
But that was just... way to "normal".
So I googled "Creepy moster" or something like that, and found som sh*t ass scary monsters!
I then just took some of the parts I liked of the monster, and made up my own monster!
... But since people are gonnaask me what I am, I decided to call it a demon! Because, thats what it's gonna turn out to look like.

Of course I took some pictures! 
Here you go:

The Horns:

At first, I cut out some (chicken) wire

Then i "Rolled" it up, and twisted one of the ends

Then I bended the two "rolls" and formed a shape I liked

Time for Paper mache

 I put on 3 coats of Paper mache

Now they just need to dry until tomorrow!

The Wings:

I took some strong wire

Bended it in a shape I liked


Put the two halves together

I then stretched som pantyhoes around them, made an illussion of the bones with some thick yarn, and now they only need ribbons, so i can attach them on my back

I'll update tomorrow!!